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Introducing the Shortstop Inspection

Are you looking for a ground inspection on a single item; around the home, car, or business? Offered for all lines, our recently launched Shortstop Inspection is just what you’re looking for.

The Shortstop Inspection is rapidly accelerating in popularity with many of our customers. This single item, ground inspection is offered for all lines, including Auto, Casualty, Liability, Business, Commercial, Heavy Equipment, Marine, Specialty, Environmental, Aircraft, Banking, Real Estate, Underwriting, and Agriculture.

How Long Does a Shortstop Inspection Take?

How long does this inspection take? On average, around 10 minutes.

We’ve found that it fills the minor void that claim handlers encounter when trying to settle a claim or incident with their customers quickly. With cycle times in hours — not days — our clients are finding this light touch service provides value on two fronts. First, the cost per claim is cut to fractions compared to the traditional adjustment models such as an Independent Adjuster inspection or a Field Staff Adjuster task assignment. The second being, and what serves as the foundational architecture of this service, is the knowledge and capability of the Ladder Now inspector; applying the rigid training from our bedrock services such as Solo Property/Auto Inspections, Tarping, and Ladder Assist. We are able to leverage our expertise to quickly deliver a specialized evaluation to the requesting adjuster. Bringing this type of experience to a simple inspection ensures a quality product every time.

Contact Us to Schedule Your Shortstop Inspection

How are we producing a superior product with industry-shattering turnaround times? At the time of assignment from the client, our smart routing software guarantees the nearest Field Inspector services they need as quickly and accurately as possible. This service is simply faster, friendlier and with our experience, delivered with the maximum value and quality in mind. For more information, contact us today.

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